September 29, 2010

For every door that closes, an even better one opens

Posted in Hard times, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 12:42 am by purelypoetry

There are so many things we learn in life that are important lessons. However, there is one thing in particular that perhaps not everyone gets the memo on, and I think this is an especially valuable piece of the puzzle in our lives. I have recently come to fully realize this and it has been a very inspiring concept for me.

For the most part, we are all very goal oriented. This is natural, to want bigger and better things. To fight, conquer and have a sense of accomplishment when its all said and done.  When things don’t quite go the way we planned, we feel like complete failures. Our dreams have been crushed into bits. As though we have missed out on something wonderful and now it has been lost into a black hole of guilt and regret. All we can do is mourn our loss and replay it in our heads over and over, wondering what we could have done differently. How can we move on? When the perfect opportunity for us to be happy has just been cast into oblivion? This is how it feels… and its easy to feel that way. It is natural to grieve over a loss, or a perceived loss. But wait a minute, lets think about this. I know that in my life I have seen that all the hardships I have been through have led to this very point in time, where I am more ready to receive than ever before. Where I am expecting greater things than ever before. Where I am wise enough to sustain those wonderful things that will come to me. I could never have even known such great things existed, if everything in my life, or even some things, had gone as I desired for them to go. My life would not have been anywhere near as incredible as it is going to be. I think someone had an even greater plan than me, and what do you know, It was multitudes better. There was a time that I grieved over loss, in a way that I would never wish on anyone. I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life, I felt the pain in the very core of my being. I could have never fathomed in that moment of torture, that this was a true blessing, but it was. How can you fully understand, fully actualize a good thing, if you never knew bad?  We fight all our lives to have things like, love and riches.  When we finally get there, after the sweat and blood of our bodies that went into it. After failing time and time again, we look back at how our lives used to be, and we appreciate what we have that much more. People born millionaires are miserable, they feel no sense of purpose, they try to fill their lives with things to hide the pain and misery they feel. People given too much all their lives take it for granted. Whether it be material or even emotional, verbal, whatever… They don’t always value it the same. I don’t know why it works that way, but it does. ( I cannot say it is always like this, but that is the exception, not the rule.)  We work for that which we value, We value that which we have worked for. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that when one door closes, another one is opening, and if you can’t shut a door that need to be shut, you can’t move on to what greatness is waiting for you. I apply this to my relationships. I know what I want, and I am not willing to settle. I believe in finding what I want. I know I will. I will not accept another way, I know it is coming to me. So whenever I break up with someone, I am actually happy and excited to see what is coming my way. Because I know the next one will be better. It does not mean I don’t love, it doesn’t mean I am shallow. I realize that some things are out of my control and there is a good reason for that. It is exciting to know that you are allowing good things into your life and that endless possibilities are open to you. And with every bad thing you let go of, you allow a better thing in. This is quite a realization. This will change your life. People think it’s weird how I can one day be  in love, the next day break up and I’m excited about the future. I have feelings, and I am in touch with them, that is why I don’t like to dwell on things that make me feel bad. I have faith. Not because believing in something gives me hope, but because I have seen the results of it. We are not always ready to have everything right away, but life prepares us, and eventually  it comes. At least, I can say that about my life. I can see how I needed all of my experiences to prepare me for today.

In carrying these beliefs, a marvelous thing has happened… I have learned to move on in life without fear. I am not afraid to lose. I am not afraid of losing because I don’t believe I actually lose anything. Things are simply replaced with better things.  This is astonishing! I might want a certain thing, I might try to make it happen, but I am not afraid if it doesn’t work out, either. Because I believe if it doesn’t work out, it must be for the better. There must be something even better headed my way. This has been the trend, at least. I would not test fate or try to sabotage any aspect of my life.  I would not run and try to open the next door simply to see what is there. I let things happen naturally, I am true to myself and I do what feels right. I think that if everyone believed that everything happens for a reason and if everyone believed that for every door that closes, an even better one opens, people would lead much, much happier lives. I have a friend that I try to convince of  this. She is so unhappy sometimes, and I see no need for her to be unhappy. I tell her to stop thinking about the past and move onto the future, because that is what you have to look forward to and it is inevitably amazing. She doesn’t understand my point. I don’t think she believes it, and so she remains stuck in the same place, never moving forward. Or moving forward at a snail’s pace, wasting precious time and life and opportunity as she wallows in sadness.  We cannot change our past, but we can change our future. Believe it, and it will be true for you. There are many facets to this subject. Too much to cover here. I am just going to say, have some faith, and see where it takes you.  Even if it takes you nowhere, wherever you are, at least you will be happy. Is there anything more important than that?

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