September 29, 2010

Getting caught up

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , at 9:48 pm by purelypoetry

There are so many subjects in this world. So many things to focus in on. So many important things and so many things that are not important, that we just get caught up in. Sometimes, we forget what is truly meaningful.

I have seen the most ridiculous things in my life. I have seen people who choose to focus their life on things like drugs, sex, and their own unhappiness. What you choose to focus on will become your world. I have seen people who choose to close in on the imperfections in life. They become experts in the art of finding flaws in everything. How interesting that by simply focusing an incredible amount of energy into one subject, you can develop talent that surpasses the ability of most. What an extraordinary waste of ones ability, to become so good at something that is just going to make you more and more miserable every day of your life. Every moment of the day, this person is pointing out imperfections and she gives herself countless reasons to be increasingly aggravated, irritable, angry and pushes herself down deeper and deeper into a sea of discontent. Imagine if she had channeled that same energy into something positive. Like focusing on all the things in her life that were wonderful. It sounds cliche, I know, but its true. Look at what this poor woman is doing to herself and her family. Watching her ability to find things she dislikes is literally jaw-dropping. What if she had developed her ability to do the opposite? How high she could take herself and her family and the people around her, instead of bringing them all down and repelling them because of the extreme negative energy that radiates from her from across the room. It is a choice. A choice that everyone makes every day.

In the workplace, especially in the “office” atmosphere, I have seen that many people tend to slip into the same sort of flaw finding mindset. Unfortunately the focus tends to be geared toward their co-workers. The amount of gossiping and backstabbing  is tremendous. You enter into a new job, and your boss tells you, “We are all a team.”  Then you begin working and you realize that everyone who is so kind to your face is at the same time, trying to bring you down in an attempt to make themselves shine. They have also become experts at finding flaws, and even at making them up. Has no one realized that a person cannot bring about such negativity without making themselves miserable? And so, in an attempt to distract yourself from your own sadness, you busy your mind with trying to “move up” in the office by method of bringing others down and all you really do is bring yourself down (inside yourself) and it is a vicious cycle.

I think that yes, there is a right person for us, but if you train yourself to look for the imperfections in others, you will never be happy with anyone because no one is without flaw.

For some reason, I find that when I am working in a large workplace, people tend to invent very creative stories about me and I am always the last to find out about them. When I do find out, I laugh, because the stories are so rediculous and so far from the originating truth. Whether they are true or not, is not even the important factor. I remember finding myself in this situation and someone told me this:

“Don’t worry about what they say, because the truth is, everyone has their own issues and therefore, they have no room to speak about yours or anyone else’s.”

This so true, why are we all so worried about all the things that are outside of us? The things we can’t change, the things that really, don’t even matter? We have been busying ourselves with that which is outside of us so that we don’t have to face what is inside. Because that is our biggest fear of all.

Throughout my journey in this life. I have found that there is so much to be discovered. Things that take time to realize even exist. What about the search for the truth? We should question everything we know, everything we have based our knowledge of this world upon. What about searching ourselves to see what is really in there? Why we do what we do, why we feel the way we do and why we react to situations the way we do. Do we have a choice? What makes us different from each other?

I have realized that most people out there are emotionally handicapped. I have discovered that I can reach deep emotional levels,  and I have discovered that some people can’t.  Exploring is so important. You will never cease to discover more. Just when you thought you knew it all….you stumble upon something that makes you question all you thought you knew.

What about enlightenment? Nirvana? All I know for sure is that in my search for the truth I have seen that there are no bounds to the extensive possibilities in life. No bounds to how much I can grow as a person, or to what I can be or do or have. How absolutely amazing life can be when you expand your awareness of what life has to offer.

It is important to find yourself, because in finding yourself, you will change as a person and you will be able to find someone who really harmonizes with the person you truly are. Not just shell of a person you have limited yourself to.

It is important to spend your energy focusing on things that will improve your life. Things that are positive. Things that will help you grow, and people will be drawn to your energy and you will be a happier person. Don’t get so caught up in the everyday world. You are in charge of you. Of your perception, of your reaction and your state of being. You cannot blame anyone or anything for your unhappiness. So why even waste your breath?