May 19, 2010

Getting the point across

Posted in Communicating, Keeping the balance, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 8:04 pm by purelypoetry

Communication is the cornerstone of all relationships. I don’t even mean verbal communication. There are plenty of ways to get the point across without using words. That is why we sometimes see couples that seem to be so in love, despite a language barrier. It’s ok if verbalizing isn’t your strong point. If you can’t seem to say the right thing, that’s ok, as long as you still manage to get your point across. What point are we trying to make? How much you care for the other person. Verbally or non-verbally you are always communicating this to your partner and the message is either bad or good. This is why we have relationships, because we want to be valued. We want to have fun and socialize as well, but we only want the people close to us who value us. When there is a mutual sense of value, there is harmony. Tip the scale….throw off that balance and there are now problems to address. There are many ways to make your point to someone you like, or love. The five love languages are a good basic example. Quality time, Physical touch, Word of admiration, Gifts and Acts of service. If you dont have time, use your words….If your not good with words, use your time. If your not good with either of those, use gifts. No luck yet? Use acts of service, even if it means you paid someone else to do it. There are literally millions of ways to achieve the same goal. When you truly care, it seeps out of you. Through your tone of voice, your choice of words, the look in your eye, the way you caress, the time or money you spent. We don’t do nice things for people we don’t like. We do really nice things for people we really like. Have you ever had a little feeling that someone liked you, but it was tough to point out why you had that impression? When you admire, love, adore and cherish someone, it shows. There is no hiding it.  At least that is the woman’s point of view. The basis is thought. We think about and put effort into those things that we value the most. We all know how it feels to love someone and think about them all the time (hopefully;). If you are doing something, you must have put thought into it first, and that means something. One way or another, get your point across. It doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does take thought. For instance, I once knew a simple man. Even though he did not have much to offer the world, he was adored by anyone he came into contact with. He had a way of communicating and he was always very conscientious when he was speaking to others.  He would catch onto how they were feeling about the conversation and  he would respond in a way that was so delicate to their specific need in that moment. Even if he could not give you what you were looking for, he would explain it in such a way, so that you would know that it was not because he didn’t care. There was nothing particularly dazzling about this man, except for his communication skills, although he could barely speak English. But because he had mastered the art of “getting the point across”,  everyone loved him.

March 26, 2010


Posted in Hard times, Keeping the balance, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:55 pm by purelypoetry

The answer to this question is simple. Every woman wants to find a man who is absolutely crazy about her and shows it. Some men think that it is in their favor to play hard to get, but the opposite it true. Unless this woman is just looking for a game and nothing more. If you want to truly capture the heart of a woman, show her that, that is your goal by treating her like a princess. By playing the game a different way. By doing what is the most difficult, giving her your best and leaving yourself vulnerable to her. This is how you will truly win the heart of a woman. Show her that you are madly in love with her and that you have fallen under her spell.

Fact:  When men neglect us, we stop liking them.

Every woman is afraid of getting hurt. If your behavior hurts us or tells us we might get hurt by you, WE ARE OUT.

Women don’t want to be played with. Women want to be treated with care.

Women like to invest and nurture. We realize that it is silly to invest in something that might possibly bite us in the end.  When we know that we have surely captivated the heart of our lover, it doesn’t seem so risky. We want to meet the needs of others and we cant do that unless our needs are met first. We want to be valued above all else. If you can give a woman all of this and make her feel that you are loyal to her because she is your world, she will glow with content. She will be able to respond to you, and to give you more of the things you want. She will be less likely to lose interest because every woman asks herself this question when she is thinking of the other possibilities; “Will I be able to find someone else who loves me this much an treats me this well?”  If she can answer “YES” to this question, she will leave you. It’s only a matter of time.

A woman wants to feel special. She wants to feel that no one compares to her in your eyes. She wants to know that you would do anything for her. She wants to know that for you, being without her would be a fate worse than death. If you treat your woman like she is the last woman on earth, and she still doesn’t respond, she’s just not that into you. A woman who has a sense of self worth, no matter how much she likes you, will not settle to be treated like she isn’t special in your life. She will in fact, begin to not like you at all. She will begin to see you in a different light, until she slowly becomes utterly disgusted just by thinking of you. Because women are typically, very in touch with their feelings,  and we don’t like anything that makes us feel bad. As for your joy ride type of woman, she wants the game. But for the rest of us, make no mistake. Treat her like your treasured princess and she will be yours forever.